Where writing to an audience brings results.

I specialize in addressing challenges and delivering solutions through proposal writing , B2B whitepapers, copywriting, and technical writing.

Writing Resume

Hearspace Internship (Technical, Marketing, & Research  Writing)


  • Technical Writing
  • UX Writing
  • Documentation Writing
  • Writing for a web dev

My Task: Document all features and design aspects and categorized them by page and section for a developer.

The Result: Went beyond the original scope and created high-quality documentation to transfer design mockups into a fully functional website.

See Project

Target Audience

  • Audience Research
  • Marketing Research
  • Organization Targeting
  • Target Audience

My Task: Discover unique organizations and points of contacts in the Chicago area for our product.

The Result: Created relationships and discovered a market for a specific group of users who want a private social space for their community to interact and bring in new members.

See Project

Pitch Marketing

  • Visual Design Writing
  • Pitching A product
  • Feature Explanation
  • Market Research

My Task: Explain the product feature set and pitch the product to our audience.

The Result: Successfully onboarded organizations to beta test our product and become part of the Hearspace community project.

See Project

White Papers (B2B)

Email Privacy

  • B2B Writing
  • Research Writing
  • Technology Research
  • White Paper Editing

My Task: Pitch emotional and technologically accurate documentation from one business to another business.

The Result: Successfully crafted a white paper on privacy and technology that used writing, design, and research skills.

See Project


  • B2B Writing
  • Target Research
  • Onboarding Research
  • Writing for a purpose

My Task: Explain to a business the value of onboarding, how remote work has unique challenges that need to be overcome.

The Result: Catered to  businesses, showing researched statistics, the emotional and long-term value of remote onboarding, and why a company would want to implement our service.

See Project

Risk Management

  • B2B Writing
  • Banking Research
  • Writing For A bank
  • Statistical Research

My Task:  Explain why banks need to handle risk management and what our product can't do to mitigate risks in banking.

The Result: Expanded the project scope to include banking technology, history, jargon, and more, thereby raising banks' awareness of risk management tools.

See Project

Technical, Copy, Research, etc

Instruction Manual

  • Technical Writing
  • Tutorial Writing
  • 3D Tutorial
  • Software Instructions

My Task: Create a instructional tutorial to teach a users something they have no knowledge of.

The Result: Created a beginner's guide for sculpting a 3d face with brand new users in mind that successfully introduced them to the world of 3d sculpting and the Zbrush software.

See Project

White Lotus

  • Email Campaign
  • Marketing Research
  • Brand Marketing
  • Copywriting

My Task: To create marketing campaigns for upcoming Mother's Day and Father's Day holidays for a bedding company.

The Result: Sent out promotional campaign emails to an audience of thousands of subscribers.

See Project

Business Proposal

  • Strategy Writing
  • Imeplementation
  • Design And Architecture
  • College Research

My Task: Research improvements to the college and propose solutions to the problem you discover.

The Result: I curated a solution with steps for implementation that would help improve the business schools' enrollment levels.

See Project

Research Proposal

  • Research a Product
  • Marketing Research
  • Group Project
  • Finding An Audience

My Task: I researched a market for a specific niche product.

The Result: Discovered a market for a tractor hitch, determined the product value, and created a solution for selling the product.

See Project

Technical Interview

  • Research Interview
  • Career Research
  • User research
  • Data Analaysis

My Task: Interview someone from a different audience than yours and learn and understand their worldview.

The Result
: I successfully connected and interviewed a programmer and learned about a different, unique career path than my own.

See Project

Response Analysis

  • Consumer Research
  • Writing To An Audience
  • Evaluating Feedback
  • Research A Product

My Task: Research a poor response to a customer's concern, fix it, and respond accordingly.

The Result: Successfully responded to a customer's concerns about a motor vehicle's airbag system and safety procedures.

See Project